Tag Archive for Gamergate

NOW Statement on Cyberbullying and KDR

Statement made by Joanne Tosti-Vasey representing PA NOW at the Window of Opportunity Rally & March on March 25, 2015: Once again, Pennsylvania State University (PSU) has garnered a national demerit in the public’s view due to allegedly inappropriate sexual misbehavior. We’re concerned that this mistreatment of women continues to happen in the PSU community.…

Violence Against Women is Never a Game

Gamergate: Stalking is No GameFrom our colleagues at National Task Force to End Sexual and Domestic Violence Against Women: Violence against women is never a game! Congress must ensure that persons making online threats of assault, sexual violence and death are held accountable. WE NEED YOUR STORIES!!! #stalkingisnogame Trigger warning: rape, murder, violence; this alert…