Fall 2014 Endorsees & How You Can Help GOTV

Your_Vote_Counts_BadgeHi all! It’s time to Get Out the Vote!! We have a great line-up of Pennsylvania NOW PAC endorsees. Check them out here, and help their campaigns if you can.

It has been a busy, crazy summer but we’re now into October and the mid-term elections are just 3 weeks away. The National NOW PAC is determined to protect our feminist incumbent US Senators and unseat some of our most “unfriendly” Senators and is focusing on states that have Senatorial races. PA and Texas are working with National to seek out and coordinate volunteers for non-Senatorial races.

Here in PA, we do not have a US Senate race, but we do have four House seats up with NOW PAC endorsed candidates and all have a decent chance at defeating their opponents.

Kerith Strano Taylor – 5th CD

Manan Trivedi – 6th CD

Mary Ellen Balchunis – 7th CD

Kevin Strouse – 8th CD

All of these candidates need our help to win on November 4. No small task, but we have our Feminist Field Force in play and you will be part of that when you make phone calls or volunteer for our candidates here in Pennsylvania.

We have volunteered to help coordinate volunteers for these four races. Even if you don’t live in one of these four districts, you can make phone calls from your home.

For Kerith’s race, our first round of calls will be to NOW members in the key states asking them to vote for and support our endorsed candidates AND to consider volunteering for that campaign, or to work with any and all like-minded coalitions in their community to promote and elect our feminist candidates. These are fun calls to “known” feminists. Are you ready? We’ll be phoning starting next week and go right up to election day, November 4. Once these calls are completed, you can then, if you wish, make calls through Kerith’s campaign office at your home.

For the other three races, we have the contact info for each campaign office where you can volunteer. Joanne talked to each of these campaigns. They are looking for phone bankers and have said you can do these calls from your home just like we are organizing for Kerith.

These campaign phone banking calls for all four candidates are to targeted voters who should be on our side but often do not come out for mid-term and off year elections. As we all know, as the election nears, the airwaves and mailboxes are full of campaign rhetoric and many casual voters just get fed up. Our job will be to convince them that their vote counts.

If you can volunteer for any of these races, send Joanne Tosti-Vasey an email at civilrightsactivist@pobox.com with NOW PAC VOLUNTEER FOR (Kerith or Manan or Mary Ellen or Kevin) in the subject line. Please include your contact information and feel free to ask for certain dates.

If you can’t phone, please consider donating to NOW to support the feminist field force or to the candidates directly: Kerith Strano Taylor, Manan Trivedi, Mary Ellen Balchunis, or Kevin Strouse. Some of us have more money than time, some of us have more time than money and all of us have the zeal for justice and equality. We have to lay the groundwork and mobilize our sisters and brothers for the 2016 election (where we will be working for a feminist for President) and celebrating NOW’s 50th birthday.

Thanks for volunteering for a feminist future and thanks for your dedication and hard work.

And remember to vote on November 4!