Pennsylvania Agenda for Women’s Health

Equal Pay Day: Equal Work Deserves Equal Pay

Today is Equal Pay Day. April 8th marks the day each year – 98 days in – that women catch up to what their male counterparts earned the year before. On average, women in the US earn 77 cents for each dollar earned by a man. Women of color earn less, on average – 65…

Stop Another Attempt to Preempt Earned Sick Days

Just last month HB 1807, a bill to make it impossible for municipalities to enact earned sick time laws (an ALEC model bill), was significantly slowed down by amendments offered by pro-worker, pro-family Representatives in the Pennsylvania House. Now HB 1960, it’s very near twin, is moving quickly in the House and could come up…

PA Reps Sims and Molchany Introduce Pay Equity Law

SimsMulchanyPennsylvania Representatives Brian Sims and Erin Molchany unveiled the pay equity law they were co-sponsoring on December 11, as part of the first package of bills rolling out for the Pennsylvania Agenda for Women’s Health. They officially introduced it on January 6th.

PA NOW Agenda for Women’s Health Statement of Support

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Pennsylvania NOW Supports the Pennsylvania Agenda for Women’s Health HARRISBURG, December 11, 2013- The Pennsylvania state chapter of the National Organization for Women (PA NOW) applauds the work of the House and Senate Women’s Health Caucuses as they roll out a comprehensive plan to address the real issues affecting Pennsylvania women today.…

Representative Dan Frankel Unveils Pennsylvania Agenda for Women’s Health

Pennsylvania House Women’s Health Caucus Chair Dan Frankel kicks off the December 11th press conference in Harrisburg to introduce the public to the Agenda for Women’s Health, a comprehensive, inclusive approach to addressing the true concerns and needs of women in the Commonwealth. Pennsylvania NOW, in coalition with many women’s advocacy groups in the state, including Women’s Law Project and Planned Parenthood, helped to shape the Agenda and issued this statement of support.

For the past few years, but especially since the 2010 midterm elections which put the Republican Party in leadership within the General Assembly, there has been one bill after another focused on bridging and eroding women’s right to an abortion in the Commonwealth, and no effort spent on trying to close the gender wage gap or to address many of the other issues of concern to Pennsylvania women. Hopefully this Agenda will begin to change the one-dimensional conversation House and Senate Republicans have engaged in about women’s health.