
PA NOW Supports Fast Food Worker Rights

Did you know: The federal minimum wage is $7.25/hour. The minimum for tipped workers is $2.13/hour plus tips. Although employers are supposed to make up the difference between $2.13 and $7.25 for times when tipped workers don’t earn that much in tips, many do not. That when the minimum wage was increased in 1996 and…

Pennsylvania NOW Celebrates Fearless Feminists

On Friday, April 25, the National Organization for Women in Pennsylvania honored six Pittsburgh area leaders with their Fearless Feminists Awards at a reception at the Shadyside home of Scott Cavanaugh and Ron Graham. Pennsylvania NOW President Caryn Hunt gave awards to Pennsylvania NOW activists Joanne Tosti-Vasey, Pamela Macklin, and Phyllis Wetherby; State Reps. Dan…

Equal Pay Day: Equal Work Deserves Equal Pay

Today is Equal Pay Day. April 8th marks the day each year – 98 days in – that women catch up to what their male counterparts earned the year before. On average, women in the US earn 77 cents for each dollar earned by a man. Women of color earn less, on average – 65…

Immigration Is A Feminist Issue

PA NOW SUPPORTS NOW MEMBERS IN THEIR 48-HOUR FAST ON NATIONAL MALL AS CULMINATION OF MONTH-LONG WOMEN’S FAST FOR FAMILIES After more than 1500 women fasted in 80 events across 35 states, Washington DC and Mexico City, 100 women converge in DC to host a “Courage Cafe” to feed the courage of Federal leaders to…

Beyonce_babyWe need to stop buying into the myth about gender equality. It isn’t a reality yet. Today, women make up half of the U.S. workforce, but the average working woman earns only 77 percent of what the average working man makes. But unless women and men both say this is unacceptable, things will not change. Men have to demand that their wives, daughters, mothers, and sisters earn more—commensurate with their qualifications and not their gender. Equality will be achieved when men and women are granted equal pay and equal respect.

– Beyonce, The Shriver Report

Women’s Fast for Families

On April 7-9, Harrisburg Area NOW President Shamaine Daniels will join National NOW President Terry O’Neill in a 48-hour Women’s Fast for Families, taking place on the National Mall in Washington, DC. 100 women leaders from across the country will gather for the event to demand fair immigration reform. This event is the culmination of…

PA Reps Sims and Molchany Introduce Pay Equity Law

SimsMulchanyPennsylvania Representatives Brian Sims and Erin Molchany unveiled the pay equity law they were co-sponsoring on December 11, as part of the first package of bills rolling out for the Pennsylvania Agenda for Women’s Health. They officially introduced it on January 6th.

PA NOW Agenda for Women’s Health Statement of Support

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Pennsylvania NOW Supports the Pennsylvania Agenda for Women’s Health HARRISBURG, December 11, 2013- The Pennsylvania state chapter of the National Organization for Women (PA NOW) applauds the work of the House and Senate Women’s Health Caucuses as they roll out a comprehensive plan to address the real issues affecting Pennsylvania women today.…